Hepsia is our own, in-house developed website hosting CP. That fact offers us more control and enables us to incorporate custom functions easily instead of relying on a third-party firm. Hepsia provides many options and is easy for novices to use, but provides enough advanced functions, that will be appreciated by the more tech-savvy customers as well. You can quickly create and handle an e-mail address, a MySQL database or an FTP account, set up a script application with a 1-click installer, create an .htaccess file for various purposes, check in-depth statistics, and a lot more. You may even upload files via drag-and-drop actions, while quick links and right-click context menus shall give you access to different functions without the need to jump through various sections or to scroll up and down regularly. Since Hepsia is an all-in-one CP, you could also register and manage domain names, renew your hosting plan, add upgrades, and so on., from one and the same place.

Hepsia CP with unlimited domains and no root access in VPS Web Hosting

Hepsia is the Control Panel provided with our shared web hosting plans, but we've chosen to add it among the Control Panels that are offered with the virtual private server plans as well, to supply you with the opportunity to benefit from the VPS’s resources even in the event that you do not have preceding experience or technical knowledge. In fact, controlling a VPS with Hepsia is essentially the same as handling a shared account and you can manage plan renewals, domain name registrations, payment invoices, databases, emails and stats from one single location. You will also have the ability to handle your content via SSH if required, though the command line options that you'll have will be more restricted. A Hepsia-equipped VPS fuses easy management with the processing power that a virtual hosting server gives.

Hepsia CP with unlimited domains and no root access in Dedicated Servers Hosting

If you choose one of the Linux dedicated servers hosting that we offer, you shall be able to choose the Hepsia hosting CP alongside Debian - one of the Operating System choices on the signup page. Since this is the same exact Control Panel included with our shared website hosting packages, you'll be able to utilize the power of the dedicated hosting server and to manage everything as if you’re managing a common shared account. There isn't a limit on the number of domains that you can add as hosted on the server and Hepsia will allow you to manage each of them handily in one location via a user-friendly interface. Since you will also be capable to renew the plan and to view any support tickets that you’ve opened, you won't ever need to switch between various systems to perform a specific task. If needed, you shall also be able to connect to the web server via SSH and to perform various operations with your files and databases, even though the options you'll have shall be more restricted compared to a server with a different Control Panel.