Perl is a well-known scripting language which is used to build different web-oriented apps, which includes CGI scripts. One of the features which distinguish it from many other languages is the use of modules - parts of Perl code that perform predefined jobs and they are universally accepted. In simple terms, as an alternative to creating custom-made program code to do something or pasting tens and hundreds of lines of program code in the script, you'll be able to "call" a module which already exists for this specific task and use only a couple of lines of program code. Due to this, your script shall be executed faster since it'll be much smaller. Employing modules will, in addition make the script much easier to modify as you'll need to search through a smaller amount of program code. If you would like to use Perl on your site, you should make sure that the needed modules are available on your server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Web Hosting

Over 3400 Perl modules will be at your disposal if you buy any of our web hosting packages. You'll be able to employ as many as you need and we've made sure that we have all of the popular ones, plus many more that are not used that much, but may be a requirement for some third-party web app that you would like to use or for a custom script to function effectively. LWP, URI, GD, CGI::Session and Image::Magick are just a few examples of the modules you will be able to access. You are able to find the list in your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel along with the path which you need to set in your scripts, so they can use the module library. With our shared plans, you're able to employ any kind of Perl-based script without restrictions.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting come with a huge selection of Perl modules that you can use with your scripts. In this way, even when you would like to use an application that you have found online from another site, you can be positive that it will work correctly because no matter what modules it may possibly require, we will have them. Our selection features over 3400 modules like DBD::mysql, URI, LWP, XML::Parser and much more - some of them are widely used while others not so much. We keep such a large amount to be on the safe side and to make certain that any script shall run on our servers even if some module that it needs is used rarely. The complete list of modules that can be used is available inside the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel offered with the semi-dedicated accounts.