The UPS and the diesel generator are 2 devices for keeping a web server operational in case there are difficulties with the primary power supply - an interruption or shaky current that can't keep the machine working correctly, for instance. UPS is an abbreviation for Uninterruptible Power Supply, although it is frequently called Uninterruptible Power Source also. The UPS is, basically, an effective battery that is connected to the server and to the electric power network all of the time, so in case there is any disruption, it's already operating, which enables the hosting server to carry on working without losing any info. The diesel generator is an engine which will power up an entire data center. It does take some time to begin working and it is the UPS which gives it that time. Those two power solutions are a requirement for any facility or provider that wants to stop data loss and hardware damage as a result of an unexpected electrical power issue.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Web Hosting

The 99.9% network and web server uptime guarantee which we offer you is, somewhat, a result of the electric power backup setup we have in each of the three data centers where we offer web hosting packages - in Chicago (USA), in Coventry (UK), and in Sydney (Australia). If you obtain a new account to build or move your sites, it shall be created on a progressive cloud platform which consists of many clusters dealing with your content. Each hosting server in the particular cluster offers its own highly effective enterprise-class UPS to keep it working no matter what, until quite a few electrical power generators boot up and supply the required power for the entire data center to stay functional for many hours. You'll not notice anything even when there is an outage, due to the fact that our backup units can easily power all the devices and we will not need to limit the total number of working servers or the network equipment which deals with the traffic to your websites.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you order a semi-dedicated server account from us, it'll be set up on a cutting-edge hosting platform inside a data center with an incredible infrastructure. The Chicago-based data center uses a different UPS for every server or network switch located there to make certain that the correct functioning of any piece of equipment won't be interrupted until powerful generators start supplying the required electrical power. The latter can easily power the whole data center for quite a while with no need to shut down any equipment, so all the sites hosted on our web servers shall continue to work at top speed and with zero effect on their efficiency. These electric power backup options allow us to ensure that a potential outage will never be a reason for your Internet sites to go offline or to have reduced functionality.